Sunday, October 8, 2017

Close Look at the Skilled, Crafty Con-Artist Mind and Sleazy Tactics of Donald J. Trump

Picture Not So Perfect

Trump – the classic TV showman, product pitchman, and above all else, skilled, crafty con-artist. His best and most well-known tactics – short list only:

1. Con and fool everyone to make a deal that suits him while professing it helps everyone.

2.  Back track on the deal when it goes south and looks like it’s falling apart, then start blaming others for the failure – ever himself.

3.  At the same time, start claiming victory in various PR addresses while bragging about yourself and past good deals (which the top ones also fell apart or went bankrupt) then hide or excuse the evidence that shows you have failed at the same time he cheers and brags about a totally new deal forthcoming, which will top them all, but really never comes.

Trump exaggerates everything about himself and lies 24/7. He never admits to a lie. He denies even a proven lie and even in his own words when caught red-handed by changing the subject or brushing it aside. He then offers more fluff for himself. That is who Trump is and he has the record to prove it.

Here is a 40-minute video truly worth watching. The subject: 

“Explosive New Documentary for Donald Trump’s Financial Ties 
to Russian Oligarchs”

It is worth your time to watch it. It was published at USA News on September 14, 2017.

Thanks for stopping by – share the video with your friends – highly enlightening to say the least.

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